exit value — noun (accounting) The price at which an asset or liability could be sold • • • Main Entry: ↑exit … Useful english dictionary
exit value — The net realizable value of an asset, i.e. its market price at the date of a balance sheet less the selling expenses. Exit values are effectively break up values and are not consistent with the going concern concept, which assumes that a business … Accounting dictionary
exit value — The net realizable value of an asset, i. e. its market price at the date of a balance sheet less the selling expenses. Exit values are effectively break up values and are not consistent with the going concern concept, which assumes that a… … Big dictionary of business and management
Возможная цена продажи (EXIT VALUE) — Цена или сумма, по которой может быть продан актив или погашено обязательство. Может принимать форму текущей возможной цены продажи, ожидаемой возможной цены продажи или текущей стоимости. Называется также Текущей возможной ценой продажи (Current … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
Exit counseling — Exit counseling, also termed strategic intervention therapy, cult intervention or thought reform consultation is an intervention designed to persuade an individual to leave a group perceived to be a cult. It is distinguished from deprogramming by … Wikipedia
Value The Hotel Sendai Natori — (Natori,Япония) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 981 1222 Ми … Каталог отелей
Exit status — The exit status of a process in computer programming is an small number passed from a child process to a parent process when it is done executing a specific task delegated. On DOS, this may be referred to as an errorlevel.When software programs… … Wikipedia
Exit Tax — Ein Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT, deutsch: Immobilien Aktiengesellschaften mit börsennotierten Anteilen) ist eine Kapitalgesellschaft, deren Hauptgeschäftsfeld darin besteht, Immobilien zu besitzen und/oder zu verwalten. Auch Gesellschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Exit fare — An exit fare is a method of collecting ridership fees, or fare, from a transportation system where the fee (or part of the fee) is collected from passengers upon reaching their destination.Exit fares were used on the subway lines of the early… … Wikipedia
Exit (operating system) — A computer process terminates its execution by making an exit system call. More generally, an exit in a multithreading environment means that a thread of execution has stopped running. The operating system reclaims resources (memory, files, etc.) … Wikipedia
Exit Option — An embedded option within a project that allows the firm abort their operations at little or no cost. An exit option can typically only be exercised after key developments have occurred within the project. Like any other option, this instrument… … Investment dictionary